Prices (360°) video


Here is an overview of our prices that we currently have with a fictitious project as an example.

(360°) Camera operator
Half day (Max. 4 hours) € 400,00
Full day (Max. 8 hours) € 775,00
Rent 360 degree camera Insta360 Pro2
Insta360 Pro2 kit 1st day € 150,00
Insta360 Pro2 each consecutive day € 100,00
Insta360 Pro2 kit in combination with operator per day € 100,00
360° accessories (If you hire us, you don’t pay for accessories)
Farsight module per day € 25,00
Zoom H3-VR per day € 20,00
Tripod per day from € 15,00
360° RC Car incl. operator (excl. 360° camera/camera operator)
Half day (Max. 4 hours) € 800,00
Full day (Max. 8 hours) € 1250,00
360° Droneshot with the Insta360 Pro2
Insta360 Pro2 under a heavy-lift drone with a team of 2 for shooting in “normal” airspace without any particularly mitigating measures for safety.
Half day (Max. 5 hours away/home) € 2250,00
Full day (Max. 10 hours away/home) € 3000,00
Stitch work (stitching (360° images per lens) together)
In most cases, a day or part of 360° recordings equals the time you spend stitching the images. So with 1 recording day you have to take into account 1 day of stitching. Because the stitching is also partly done by the computer itself, you pay a lower daily rate.
Half day (Max. 4 hours) € 150,00
Full day (Max. 8 hours) € 250,00
(360°) Edit work
Half day (Max. 4 hours) € 250,00
Full day (Max. 8 hours) € 480,00
Hourly rate € 65,00
Fictitious project  
With a fictitious production of 1 film day with the pro2 kit, incl. camera operator, RC car incl. operator and sound engineer you pay.
(360°) Camera operator € 775,00
Pro2 camera kit/incl. accessoires, in combination with operator € 100,00
RC car incl. Operator € 1250,00
Sound engineer € 750,00
Stitching 1 day € 250,00
Editing 1 day € 480,00
Total € 3605.00 excl. VAT 

Please note: the above prices are exclusive of VAT, travel costs of 0.30ct per km, parking costs, overnight stays and €30.00 per hour that we are in the car to get to the location.